Featured Venues
A venue’s recommendation is much more than a suggested service. It’s a recognition of the trust they have in our reputation, professionalism, value, and high level of service.
Featured Venues
A venue’s recommendation is much more than a suggested service. It’s a recognition of the trust they have in our reputation, professionalism, value, and high level of service.

Knoll Country Club
"We were so lucky to get a recommendation for EMG. From start to finish was an amazing experience. We worked with Tom whom was so organized and detail oriented. I appreciated his professionalism and promptness to answer emails or questions. My husband and I were also so pleased with the way they were able to work with our band seamlessly. Our guests were very pleased."

Knoll Country Club
12 Knoll Drive
Boonton, NJ 07005

(973) 257-0122
